Formatter will allow you to type in HTML code in a box on the left. When you press F5, CTRL+S etc, it will save your file, make all the tags neater and refresh the browser on the right. You can exit with F4 or ESC. The other buttons on the toolbar will allow you to resize the windows and automatically generate tags.
If you want to know how a simple HTML file is constructed, for a start look at the source code for this file. If your are viewing this page in Internet Explorer, go to View/Source. A Notepad window will come up with the source code for this file. If you want to know more, go to an HTML instruction website or get a book, but don't email me asking for help. I'll just give a few hints and tips:
If you want to get accented characters, such as é, Æ, type in, for example, "ç" for ç, "Œ" for Œ, etc. If you want an ampersand without this happening, type "&". You don't need to include a semicolon on the ends of these, but it's good to avoid confusion. is the ZIP file containing the actual program. Unzip it and run (double-click on) setup.exe.
Tags such as <B>, </B>, <I>, </I>, <U>, </U> etc will turn bold, italic and underline on and off.
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